Root Canal Treatment
The root canal is one of the most common endodontic treatments performed, and it can mean the difference between keeping or losing a tooth
What is a Root canal Treatment ?
The root canal is the central part of the tooth that holds the dental pulp, and root canal treatment involves removing that pulp.There are several layers to your teeth, with the dental pulp in a
central canal that usually extends through each tooth root. The pulp consists of blood vessels, connective tissue, nerves, and other cells. It is the living part of your tooth, and it is
responsible for tooth growth in your younger years as well as much of the sensation we feel in our teeth.The inflammation of the pulp is called pulpitis, and it is usually caused by infection.
Common reasons for pulp infection include:Traumatic injuryDeep caries (cavities) that extend into the pulp areaCracks or chips that cause the pulp to be exposed.
Side effects of other dental treatmentsIf a pulp infection is left untreated, it can spread through the rest of the tooth and beyond, causing tooth loss or other medical emergencies.
However, if the pulp is removed and the cavity cleaned and sealed, the tooth can often be saved, giving it extra years of use and preventing other health complications.